STAR Project Ballymun
STAR Project Ballymun is a registered charity. We provide three distinct programe responses; Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programme , Family Support Service and Easy Street Outreach Team to people who need support for Drug / Alcohol issues and/or who are dealing with the effects of negatively impactful substance use within the family.
Our Mission Statement:
STAR offers an intensive, holistic, personal development programme which supports a person and/or family member to make positive changes at his/her own pace in the process of recovery from drug/alcohol use and their negative effects.
STAR Ballymun specializes in supporting young people and adults who want to make changes in relation to their substance use and access supports. We support people to explore their unique relationship to their substance/s and their behaviors associated with that relationship. We also support family members in their own right to access structured support and gain insight and knowledge”
STAR prides itself on being a service that is dynamic and responsive. One of our core beliefs in the work that we do is making real connections with people who use our services. This happens at all levels of service delivery through many different approaches. Loving Presence, Respect, Non judgement, are core values of STAR. We aim that everybody who uses our services will be treated in this way. We work creatively and responsively to adapt and best support each person that we come into contact with understanding each person’s uniqueness and individual history and mould the service accordingly to best support the person.

Our Trauma Informed care approach is central to our work combining working from the heart with evidence based practice. This is always evolving.
STAR works closely with a wide range of other agencies and partners to share resources, expertise & learning to ensure that the individual service user gets the best possible service.
STAR gratefully acknowledges support from the following funders: Ballymun Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force (BLDATF), Health Services Executive (HSE), Department of Social Protection (DSP).
If you wish to make a donation please see DONATE section and we can gladly let you know how your money will be directly used.
If you or someone you know, or someone you work with, is looking for support, please contact us by phone or email below. You can also drop in to our main office to make a self-referral or referral on behalf of a person with their consent.
Referrals contacts
Main Office Phone Number: 01-8467930
Dave Fennell: Programmes Co-ordinator / Assistant Manager
Stacey Fitzmaurice: Senior Support Worker

PATRON Michael D. Higgins
We confirm that our organisation complies with the Charities Regulator’s Governance Code under the Charities Act for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable sectors in Ireland. Our Charity number is CHY 14583.